Why I am running a Half Marathon

This year has been all about feeling the fear and doing it anyway and on my list of things to do was to get this blog started as a space to share my love for all things beauty and health related and hopefully inspire someone along the way! Another of my goals was also to do more running... I love running as it's such a great way to push your limits.

Plus, I find training towards a specific race always helps with a consistent fitness regime. So, I signed to my first half marathon and have been training for the past few months (the race is just over three weeks away now)!


Race for Life

I've done a few Race for Life 5K runs in the past with one of my cousins as well as Parkrun but the furthest I'd ever ran until recently was 10K (Great Run) so 21K (13.1 miles) will be pretty challenging... eek! 

The half marathon that I've signed up to is a Cancer Research Race for Life. I've always found their events to be well organised and so moving - it's always very touching reading the messages on everyone's back during the races as everyone wears a sign on their back with a message or info on who they are racing for. My motivation for doing race for life is and always be for those who we've lost, those fighting, those who won, those who will fight and those affected by cancer.

Half Marathon Training

Currently, my fitness regime involves a mix of strength training, sprints, a weekly long run and a weekly short run which is usually a Parkrun. I do need to do more stretching though as that's one thing I tend to neglect... I have been using the Nike Run Club app to help with tracking my journey but I have to say it's important to try not to overdo it and listen to your body during training.

You can follow my training journey on my Instagram @NaturallyKrista.

Also, check out my fundraising page and donate if you can as all proceeds go to Cancer Research.

Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for my next post!

Krista x